
“Lessons from Madame Chic : 20 Stylish Sectrets I Learned While Living in Paris” and Zen teachings

The book became a bestseller in Japan last year, and I finally read it lately.
It shows about a lifestyle of a madam who lives in Paris, including the following descriptions.

Live your daily life as something special
Snacking is not chic
When you eat, focus on enjoying food
Get rid of clothes you no longer wear
Feel happy with yourself just the way you are
Act beautifully even when you are alone
Treat people around you with good manners
Don’t buy too much
Enjoy moments of silence
Read books or newspapers
Content with what you have now
Find little pleasure
Focus on one thing

As I read through the pages, I thought what it said was similar to Zen teachings which have much influenced the lifestyle in Japan.
I never thought that there were some common points between a madam in Paris (and moreover, she is an aristocratic pedigree! ) and Zen teachings.
Maybe peace of mind which people ultimately get to can be narrowed beyond race or religion.


        Written by Jennifer L. Scott

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