
Beyond Koshihikari, new brand-name rice Ichihomare grown in Fukui finally unveiled

This autumn, Ichihomare, new brand-name rice which Fukui Prefecture is proud of, was ready for harvest for the first time and its sales started on a trial basis.
Then, I bought and tried it immediately.

When I look it cooked, it was glossy and shining. 
It isn’t need to wait for eating to know that it is delicious. 

Then at last, I had a taste nervously and I felt elastic first. Each grain was soft but firm and had a perfect gummy texture. Also, its delicious taste and sweetness were great. I realized again that rice is such delicious. 

Actually, after I ate Ichihomare, I came to feel that even Koshihikari tasted like something is missing.

In fact, my family grows Koshihikari, but are we going to grow Ichihomare someday? I am looking forward to it. (H.S)

Remarks :
ichi  → the best
homare  honor  

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