The globe was donated by late Kei Wakaizumi in 1988, a Japanese scholar of international politics who negotiated with the United States for the reversion of Okinawa to Japan as a secret envoy of then prime minister Eisaku Sato. He donated the globe in the hope of fostering dreams about the world and the earth among young people. The globe was later named the Mike Mansfield Globe, Mr. Mike Mansfield, former U.S. ambassador to Japan, who visited Wakaizumi and the plaza. (H.S)
The Mike Mansfield Globe
You can spin the globe with the switch.
When you
look closer the Japanese archipelago, you could find FUKUI and SABAE. Although Wakaizumi was born in the present Echizen City,
he lived in Sabae City in his later years.
Kei Wakaizumi when he was sitll alive. (photo kept at NHK)
At last , this year, “Kei Wakaizumi
Honoring Assocaiton” was established by volunteers. NHK Fukui reported on Wakaizumi and the association on June 27th.
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