so probably someone threw it away. My mother already had two cats, but she couldn’t ignore and brought it home.
After then, she took it to a nearby animal hospital for examination and it got treatment for injuries and illness. It is female and its color is black and white but mostly white, so my mother named it Shiro(white). And her forehead is so-called “window’s peak”. She recovered completely at the end of last year and she was spayed, so I was relieved.
By the way, I was worried about compatibility between Shiro and the two cats have lived already. I have heard that in case of house cats, a new comer became stronger than old ones. More or less, it seems to be true because actually Shiro was jumping and moving vigorously but the old cats looked uncomfortable and they wanted to go out soon.
But now finally, they are getting used to each other. Also, Shiro has been growing and has become tame. I hope that they would get on well forever. (H.S)
Recent Shiro. She was fully grown. She is friendly and clever.
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