
The Japanese film “Shin Godzilla” (2016)

I went to see the film “Shin Godzilla” the other day.
When it finished, it made me feel like “ Hang on, Japan!”

In the film, there was a line “ Japan tried hard to rise up by scrap and build.”
It brought a lump to my throat.
And, as I saw people devote all their time to each work in the film,
I reconsidered that this is the country of Japan.

Throughout the film, it includes a diversity of messages without imposing.
It is left to what feel about to each audience.
It has excellent sense of casting, and Kanji Tsuda from Fukui Prefecture
also enthusiastically performs. 

If you have time, why don’t you go to see the film?
It is more than just a monster film. (H.S)


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