
24 Hours Ice Shop in Fukui, Japan

Naver matome / photographs of beautiful ice (https://matome.naver.jp/odai/2134095238237307201)



It has been very hot in Japan recently. Eating snow cone and/or touching ice would be nice in this kind of hot weather.

There are several ice shops in the downtown area of Fukui City. There is even 24 hours open one as well. This is a self-serve ice shop. This is an ice shop has no salesclerk.


As you walk in, you will see a sign which says that “block ice for 300 yen” on a large refrigerator. Since it’s large ice, so this type of ice can be used for making snow cones for business purpose.

They sell crushed ice as well. This can be used for drinks as well.

To keep foods and/or drinks cold, “Kuzu Kohri” (Kuzu is waste and Kohri is ice in Japanese. Kuzu Kohri is the leftover ice which was made after cutting the ice for block ice and crushed ice.)

The sign says “Mr. Crushed” and “Unique Ice!”. I wonder what they look like.

And in the back of the ice shop, there is a screen for security cameras.

To pay, put the money into an envelope with your name on it and put it into the box in the photograph above. This is amazing that the owner of this store must be confident that people pay.


I think this is the best spot for this kind of shop because it is in the middle of a downtown area and people need ice all the time.


This shop was introduced in a TV program in NHK (famous Japanese TV company)

NHK documentary, 72 hours “self-serve ice store in Summer of Fukui”. https://www.nhk.or.jp/docudocu/program/210/1199146/index.html *Only available in Japanese




If you have a chance, how about stopping by the ice store “Sakura Kohri”?

"Sakura Kohri"

Shishido Building, 1-17-2 Junka,

Fukui-shi, Fukui-ken

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